Original Teaching Philosophy 1 | Transformation and growth 2 | Background knowledge/resources 3 | Fluid process & interpreting 4 | Safe and open environment 5 | Willingness to fail & experiment 6 | Challenge & NO hand-holding (i.e. experiment, take risks, fail) 7 | Improve myself & analyze class response, results, & feedback 8 | Constructive criticism (inclusion of critique process) 9 | Discussion & collaboration 10 | Personal & pertinent projects (something they will WANT to keep) Revised Teaching Philosophy 1 | Creating a safe + encouraging classroom environment 2 | Threshold to begin class (mental health check in using thumbs up, sideways, or down) 3 | Equal opportunity learning experience (accessible + scaffolded lessons) 4 | Integration of technology (google classroom, engaging tech activities, Padlet for shy students, concealed identity debates, or feedback) 5 | Growth Mindset (willingness to fail, re-try, and overcome) 6 | Collaborative projects (student choice) 7 | Flexible seating arrangements (teaches students to manage their own behavior + provides the opportunity for behavioral growth) 8 | Frequent discussion throughout + at culmination of project 9 | Vulnerability to create personal + meaningful projects (integration of various debatable topics such as mental health, social justice topics, personal narratives, etc.) 10 | Reflection + documentation of process The changes in my teaching philosophy mainly came from the addition of new knowledge and tools in my teaching toolbox. Through my education courses this semester, especially my practicum work at Conrad Ball Middle School and knowledge gained in Technology + Assessment, I found myself overwhemed by the amount of resources and techniques that go into teaching. I believe I stayed true to my original teaching philosophies but refined them and added a new level of detail and depth. I began the year with the general idea of my teaching philosophy, but lacked the knowledge + specific tools on how to achieve it in a real life setting. Through my education courses and hands on experience I feel much closer to the ideal version of my "teaching self"--full of information, inspiration, passion and an extreme desire to teach + impact the lives of my students. My art piece for this week is another tapestry. In this piece I chose a more muted color pallet to exude a sense of calmness + clarity. I have been in a whirlwind this past semester between abundant amounts of homework + a transition to remote learning and teaching. As I near the end of another year, I feel a sense of clarity in my teaching philosophy + extreme confidence that I have chosen the correct practice.
My teaching philosophy contains many different elements, much like my tapestry contains various weaving techniques. Up close they are more difficult to differentiate as the similar yarn hues meld together. But as you back away from the piece, the different patterns + details become visible. This is how my experience as a pre-service educator has felt up until this point. I was employing many different philosophies, tools, bits of knowledge (the list goes on) but I had trouble seeing how they all came together to make up my identity as a teacher. But now as I write reflection after reflection, that identity has become clear. The techniques meld together, not in a muddy mess, but in perfect harmony. Through the creation of this piece I also took the time to venture out in nature. I pursued my practice in the tranquility of solitude. I've found it is very important to dedicate time to my education, but also take time to care for myself...especially in these times of high stress + uncertainty. The experience was very enjoyable + something I will dedicate time to in the future; teaching can be one of the most rewarding experiences but also the most draining so it is vital to take time for yourself + promote self care. 💕
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