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Quality Standard I | Content
Teachers demonstrate mastery of and pedagogical expertise in the content they teach. The elementary teacher is an expert in literacy and mathematics and is knowledgeable in all other content that he or she teaches (e.g., science, social studies, arts, physical education, or world languages). The secondary teacher has knowledge of literacy and mathematics and is an expert in his or her content endorsement area(s).
ELEMENT A: Aligned Instruction Teachers provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards and their district's organized plan of instruction.
Quality Standard II | Classroom Environment
Teachers establish a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment for a diverse population of students.
ELEMENT A: Predictable, caring learning environment Teachers foster a predictable learning environment characterized by acceptable student behavior and efficient use of time in which each student has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults and peers.
ELEMENT B: Commitment and respect for diversity Teachers demonstrate an awareness of, a commitment to, and respect for multiple aspects of diversity, while working toward common goals as a community of learners.
Quality Standard III | Pedagogy
Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that facilitates learning for their students.
ELEMENT A: Knowledge of developmental science Teachers demonstrate knowledge about the ways in which learning takes place, including the levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their students.
Quality Standard IV | Reflective Practice
Teachers demonstrate professionalism through ethical conduct, reflection, and leadership.
ELEMENT A: Link professional growth to goals Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school, the community, and the teaching profession.
Quality Standard V | Leadership
ELEMENT A: Promotes professional growth and collaborate with colleagues Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals. ELEMENT B: Demonstrates high ethical standards for professional conduct Teachers demonstrate high standards for professional conduct.
For more information contact CDE Educator Effectiveness:
[email protected]
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Quality Standard I | Content
Teachers demonstrate mastery of and pedagogical expertise in the content they teach. The elementary teacher is an expert in literacy and mathematics and is knowledgeable in all other content that he or she teaches (e.g., science, social studies, arts, physical education, or world languages). The secondary teacher has knowledge of literacy and mathematics and is an expert in his or her content endorsement area(s).
ELEMENT A: Aligned Instruction Teachers provide instruction that is aligned with the Colorado Academic Standards and their district's organized plan of instruction.
- Artifact | Stage 1 of UbD Lesson Plan: "Established Goals" + "TLAC Techniques"
- Rationale | In the established goals of my lesson plan I name various content area competencies which align with the lesson I have developed, following the lesson guidelines and lesson plan format organized by Conrad Ball Middle School. This section includes Colorado-based content standards, competencies, + work habits and how they align with the lesson I created. The established goals includes topics such as creative problem solving, self-agency, and communication--which are attained through various activities led in the lesson.
- Artifact | Stage 2 of UbD Lesson Plan
- Rationale | Stage 2 of my lesson plan is where I differentiate between the broad fundamental understandings of the lesson, key skills students will be able to perform, and the evidence in which I will observe or collect in order to evaluate individual student success in establishing the key skills. Lesson "understandings" refer to content-area-based philosophies alongside larger connections to real-world ideas + skills. The "students will be able to..." section pertains to various work habits such as explore, ideate, discuss, organize, present, etc. which provide students with straight-forward, scaffolded, and attainable tasks that will in turn result in ideological growth and development of fundamental content based + real-world skills. Located in the "Evidence of Learning Collected" portion are more detailed instructions of the activities + discussions that will be completed throughout the lessons which I have created in order to gauge the achievement and understanding of said fundamental skills.
- Artifact | Stage 1 of UbD Lesson Plan: "Common Core State Standards (CCSS)"
- Rationale | Included in the "established goals" portion of my lesson plan are the pertinent Common Core State Standards for both reading + writing. The chosen standards correlate with both written and reading/research activities present in the lesson. Students are asked to research a variety of social justice topics alongside written responses concerning their ideation process, organization of a schedule, peer feedback and a written artist statement.
Quality Standard II | Classroom Environment
Teachers establish a safe, inclusive and respectful learning environment for a diverse population of students.
ELEMENT A: Predictable, caring learning environment Teachers foster a predictable learning environment characterized by acceptable student behavior and efficient use of time in which each student has a positive, nurturing relationship with caring adults and peers.
- Artifact | Stage 3 of UbD Lesson Plan: "Daily Learning Plan" + Google Classroom
- Rationale | In stage 3 of my UbD Lesson Plan, I organize each day of my unit into specific tasks for the timely completion of the given project. On Google Classroom, I have created a resource for my students to access all necessary information for project completion along with the integration of technology to fulfill any aspect of the unit digitally. (This change was made due to the transition to remote learning + online teaching due to COVID-19 restrictions.)
- Artifact | Threshold; Frequent discussion + interaction with students in Technology class
- Rationale | In my pre-service classroom experience placement, I was able to be engulfed in Mr. Brown's tech class at CBMS. These students come from a wide range of backgrounds + experiences. Each day we began class by lining up at the door to hear the starting expectations, then giving a 'thumbs up, sideways, or down' to tell how each student was feeling as they entered the classroom. Upon emotional check-in at Threshold, I would follow up with students during iReady time and provide support + accommodations for those who were having a rough day. Many students experienced bullying for various reasons so staying in touch with students + assisting in conflict resolution was vital in my relationships with my students, and the emotional climate of the classroom. Often times behavioral issues were due to problems at home or bullying incidents with other students at CBMS.
ELEMENT B: Commitment and respect for diversity Teachers demonstrate an awareness of, a commitment to, and respect for multiple aspects of diversity, while working toward common goals as a community of learners.
- Artifact | Inclusion of multiple identities in lesson examples + social issue topic socratic seminar discussion
- Rationale | Showing diverse backgrounds of example artists provides students with the motivation that "anyone can do anything". I always include examples from a variety of genders and cultural backgrounds in my artist examples. This lesson also focuses on art activism--instructing students to choose a topic which they are passionate about or wish to spread knowledge or awareness about. This strengthens the classroom culture + relationships within the classroom environment as students become more informed about a variety of social topics/issues, how they affect their peers, and how it is vital to humanity to have empathy + understanding for one another, even if you may disagree.
- Artifact | Student Interviews: blog post
- Rationale | I conducted interviews with two students of my choice. I chose one student who talked with me frequently, and one who I struggled connecting with initially. Conducting these interviews allowed me to connect with them on a more personal level + collect insight about their learning styles and needs for the class, along with any evidence behind any behavioral issues in the class.
- Artifact | 'Thank You' notes to student's family
- Rationale | Upon completion of my student interviews, I was provided CBMS issued thank you notes to be able to send letters to the families of the students whom I interviewed. In these notes I recognized the highlights from our conversations + validated the ideas and dreams of said students. I fully believe validating the goals and aspirations of your students gives them greater confidence and drive to actually make them happen--and involving the parents in these goals only spreads that positivity home.
Quality Standard III | Pedagogy
Teachers plan and deliver effective instruction and create an environment that facilitates learning for their students.
ELEMENT A: Knowledge of developmental science Teachers demonstrate knowledge about the ways in which learning takes place, including the levels of intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development of their students.
- Artifact | Scaffolding for accessibility + accordance to IEPs and 504s
- Rationale | Mr. Brown had various students with IEPs so the general knowledge of these accommodations was helpful in assisting students throughout his lessons and having constructive conversations with students about their needs for the day, as those changed often depending on the day. Making sure my lesson plans were scaffolded made them more accessible and achievable for all learners.
- Artifact | Detailed lesson rubric
- Rationale | For my UbD Lesson, on my google classroom I attached a detailed lesson rubric which describes the standards of the project from emerging to exemplary performance. Student effort is also evaluated through the process of creation as they sketch for ideation, discuss a variety of potential topics, discuss topics + any creation road-block issues throughout the project, and their attendance and participation in a final critique.
- Artifact | Google Classroom, Screencast-O-Matic videos for remote learning, use of 3D printing for tool creation
- Rationale | During quarantine due to COVID-19, I created a variety of technology based learning tools to make lessons more accessible + engaging while still adhering to the stay-at-home order guidelines + teaching standards. The videos are posted both in an organized manner following the lesson on Google Classroom, alongside being uploaded to YouTube. I also taught a lesson, using a video tutorial, on how to use Tinkercad, a free online program, to design 3D printable hand looms for a weaving unit.
- Artifact | In both my UbD Lesson Plan #1 and UbD lesson Plan #2,
- Rationale | I prepared a variety of discussion questions (pg. 5) to prompt the ideation process, deepen thinking about the assignment, alongside curating scaffolded activities for the entire lesson.
- Artifact | Encouraging group work in Mr. Brown's class + planned group work in Stage 2 of UbD Lesson Plan #2
- Rationale | Group work was something student #2 mentioned they wanted more of in Mr. Brown's class, so I made sure to encourage that at various times and prompt students to discuss problem solving tactics with their peers during their tower building unit. This allowed them to bounce ideas off one another and improve their designs individually based on the suggestion they heard from other groups. This was so successful I decided to incorporate frequent ideation + process discussion in my own lesson plan for the class.
- Artifact | Classroom interaction at CBMS
- Rationale | When interacting with both Mr. Brown and my students I used the same body language and tone as I would with anyone. Showing the students respect as the young adults they are is vital in receiving the same respect back. Asking clarifying questions when necessary was a skill I found to be helpful in creating successful communication with my students--clarifying their confusions, concerns, needs, etc. and responding accordingly, calmly, and respectfully.
Quality Standard IV | Reflective Practice
Teachers demonstrate professionalism through ethical conduct, reflection, and leadership.
ELEMENT A: Link professional growth to goals Teachers demonstrate leadership in the school, the community, and the teaching profession.
- Artifact | Teaching Blog
- Rationale | Each week I publish a blog post synthesizing a past or present experience and/or philosophy, how it has changed or correlates to my current teaching philosophy, and how it will affect my future as an art educator. These blog posts also contain an artwork from my past or something created in correspondence to the blog post, reflecting on how I can express my written ideas and experiences through a physical piece of art. This allows me to reflect on each weeks' experiences in my education courses and classroom time at CBMS, and synthesize how these experiences are promoting growth + change within myself to establish my ethics + philosophies as an educator.
- Artifact | Teaching Blog article: "I Wish I Knew..."
- Rationale | Through an experience concerning a student at CBMS I was prompted to reflect on how I respond to a "crisis situation". During this transformative age in Middle School, students often face a great deal of bullying alongside any trauma they have experienced/are experiencing outside of school. Through hands on experience coaching students through difficult experiences, I reflected on my own experience with bullying at that age. My knowledge of mental health and exploration of wholistic healing and proper self care methods assists me in leading students on a road to healing through proper conflict resolution, support from their close-circle and the reminder to continue practicing proper self care.
Quality Standard V | Leadership
ELEMENT A: Promotes professional growth and collaborate with colleagues Teachers link professional growth to their professional goals. ELEMENT B: Demonstrates high ethical standards for professional conduct Teachers demonstrate high standards for professional conduct.
- Artifact | Collaborative co-teaching Artistic Abilities; Pre-service practicum experience at Preston Middle School; Pre-service practicum experience at Conrad Ball Middle School; Teaching Website, Professional Twitter, Business Art Instagram, Teaching YouTube channel
- Rationale | Through not only my in-person interactions + collaborations with my colleagues but also my social media, I have been able to network on various platforms and promote myself as a professional artist and educator. This has provided me with stronger connections to my colleagues, as well as building networks with faculty of various school districts.
For more information contact CDE Educator Effectiveness:
[email protected]
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